Source code for pacifica.policy.search_render

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This is the render object for the search interface."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from six import text_type
import requests
from .config import get_config

ELASTIC_INDEX = get_config().get('elasticsearch', 'index')
CACHE_SIZE = get_config().getint('policy', 'cache_size')

[docs]class LimitedSizeDict(OrderedDict): """Limited caching dictionary."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """Constructor for caching dictionary.""" self.size_limit = kwds.pop('size_limit', None) OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self._check_size_limit()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the item and put it back so it's on top.""" val = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) try: del self[key] OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, val) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover can't get this covered # the key must have gotten purged... pass return val
# pylint: disable=signature-differs
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set item foo[key] = value.""" OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self._check_size_limit()
# pylint: enable=signature-differs
[docs] def _check_size_limit(self): """Function to set the item and remove old ones.""" if self.size_limit is not None: while len(self) > self.size_limit: self.popitem(last=False)
[docs]def transsip_transsap_render(trans_obj, render_func, obj_cls, trans_key): """Wrapper method to handle transaction relationships.""" ret = {} for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: try: obj = SearchRender.get_obj_by_id(trans_rel, trans_obj['_id']) ret[obj[trans_key]] = render_func( SearchRender.get_obj_by_id(obj_cls, obj[trans_key])) except IndexError: pass return [value for _key, value in ret.items()]
[docs]def trans_has_doi(trans_obj): """Return true if the transaction has a doi otherwise false.""" trans_doi = SearchRender.get_trans_doi(trans_obj['_id']) if trans_doi != 'false': return 'true' return 'false'
[docs]def trans_access_url(trans_obj): """Figure out the access url for the transaction.""" trans_doi = SearchRender.get_trans_doi(trans_obj['_id']) if trans_doi != 'false': return get_config().get('policy', 'doi_url_format').format(doi=trans_doi) if SearchRender.get_trans_release(trans_obj['_id']) == 'true': return get_config().get('policy', 'release_url_format').format(transaction=trans_obj['_id']) return get_config().get('policy', 'internal_url_format').format(transaction=trans_obj['_id'])
[docs]def trans_science_themes(trans_obj): """Render the science theme from a proposal.""" return transsip_transsap_render( trans_obj, SearchRender.render_science_theme, 'proposals', 'proposal' )
[docs]def trans_proposals(trans_obj): """Render the proposals for a transaction.""" return transsip_transsap_render( trans_obj, lambda x: SearchRender.render('proposals', x), 'proposals', 'proposal' )
[docs]def trans_inst_groups(trans_obj): """Render the instrument groups for a transaction.""" try: obj = SearchRender.get_obj_by_id('transsip', trans_obj['_id']) return SearchRender.get_groups_from_instrument(obj['instrument']) except IndexError: pass return []
[docs]def trans_instruments(trans_obj): """Render the instruments for a transaction.""" try: obj = SearchRender.get_obj_by_id('transsip', trans_obj['_id']) return [ SearchRender.render( 'instruments', SearchRender.get_obj_by_id('instruments', obj['instrument']) ) ] except IndexError: pass return []
[docs]def trans_institutions(trans_obj): """Render the institutions for a transaction.""" ret = [] for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: try: obj = SearchRender.get_obj_by_id(trans_rel, trans_obj['_id']) ret.extend(SearchRender.get_institutions_from_user( obj['submitter'])) except IndexError: pass return ret
[docs]def trans_users(trans_obj): """Render the users list for transactions.""" return transsip_transsap_render( trans_obj, lambda x: SearchRender.render('users', x), 'users', 'submitter' )
[docs]def user_release(obj): """Render the transaction release attribute.""" return SearchRender.get_user_release(obj['_id'])
[docs]def prop_release(obj): """Render the transaction release attribute.""" return SearchRender.get_prop_release(obj['_id'])
[docs]def trans_release(obj): """Render the transaction release attribute.""" return SearchRender.get_trans_release(obj['_id'])
[docs]class SearchRender(object): """Search render class to contain methods.""" obj_cache = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=CACHE_SIZE) render_data = { 'instruments': { 'obj_id': text_type('instruments_{_id}'), 'display_name': text_type('{display_name}'), 'long_name': text_type('{name}'), 'keyword': text_type('{display_name}'), 'release': text_type('true') }, 'institutions': { 'obj_id': text_type('institutions_{_id}'), 'display_name': text_type('{name}'), 'keyword': text_type('{name}'), 'release': text_type('true') }, 'users': { 'obj_id': text_type('users_{_id}'), 'display_name': text_type('{last_name}, {first_name} {middle_initial}'), 'keyword': text_type('{last_name}, {first_name} {middle_initial}'), 'release': user_release }, 'proposals': { 'obj_id': text_type('proposals_{_id}'), 'display_name': text_type('{title}'), 'long_name': text_type(''), 'abstract': text_type('{abstract}'), 'title': text_type('{title}'), 'keyword': text_type('{title}'), 'release': prop_release, 'updated_date': text_type('{updated}'), 'created_date': text_type('{created}'), 'closed_date': text_type('{closed_date}'), 'actual_end_date': text_type('{actual_end_date}'), 'actual_start_date': text_type('{actual_start_date}') }, 'groups': { 'obj_id': text_type('groups_{_id}'), 'display_name': text_type('{name}'), 'keyword': text_type('{name}'), 'release': text_type('true') }, 'transactions': { 'obj_id': text_type('transactions_{_id}'), 'access_url': trans_access_url, 'has_doi': trans_has_doi, 'users': trans_users, 'institutions': trans_institutions, 'instruments': trans_instruments, 'instrument_groups': trans_inst_groups, 'proposals': trans_proposals, 'science_themes': trans_science_themes, 'release': trans_release, 'updated_date': text_type('{updated}'), 'created_date': text_type('{created}') } } global_get_args = { 'recursion_depth': '0', 'recursion_limit': '1' }
[docs] @classmethod def merge_get_args(cls, get_args): """Change a hash of get args and global get args into string for url.""" get_args.update(cls.global_get_args) get_list = [] for key, val in get_args.items(): get_list.append(text_type('{}={}').format(key, val)) return '&'.join(get_list)
[docs] @classmethod def get_obj_by_id(cls, obj, obj_id): """Get the user from metadata and put it in cache.""" key = text_type('{}_{}').format(obj, obj_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val url = '{base_url}/{obj}?'+cls.merge_get_args({'_id': '{obj_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), obj=obj, obj_id=obj_id ) ) cls.obj_cache[key] = resp.json()[0] return cls.obj_cache[key]
[docs] @classmethod def get_trans_doi(cls, trans_id): """Get the transaction doi and return false or doi.""" resp = requests.get( text_type('{base_url}/doi_transaction?{args}').format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), args=cls.merge_get_args({'transaction': trans_id}) ) ) resp_json = resp.json() if resp_json: return resp_json[0].get('doi', 'false') return 'false'
[docs] @classmethod def get_trans_release(cls, trans_id): """Get the transaction release and return true/false.""" resp = requests.get( text_type('{base_url}/transaction_release?{args}').format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), args=cls.merge_get_args({'transaction': trans_id}) ) ) if resp.json(): return 'true' return 'false'
[docs] @classmethod def get_prop_release(cls, prop_id): """Get the proposal release from transactions on that prop.""" for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: resp = requests.get( text_type('{base_url}/{trans_rel}?{args}').format( trans_rel=trans_rel, base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), args=cls.merge_get_args({'proposal': prop_id}) ) ) for trans_obj in resp.json(): if cls.get_trans_release(trans_obj['_id']) == 'true': return 'true' return 'false'
[docs] @classmethod def get_user_release(cls, user_id): """Get the user release from transactions on that prop.""" for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: resp = requests.get( text_type('{base_url}/{trans_rel}?{args}').format( trans_rel=trans_rel, base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), args=cls.merge_get_args({'submitter': user_id}) ) ) for trans_obj in resp.json(): if cls.get_trans_release(trans_obj['_id']) == 'true': return 'true' return 'false'
[docs] @classmethod def get_institutions_from_user(cls, user_id): """Get an institution list based on user id.""" key = text_type('inst_by_user_{}').format(user_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val resp = requests.get( text_type('{base_url}/institution_person?{args}').format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), args=cls.merge_get_args({'person_id': user_id}) ) ) ret = [] for inst_id in [obj['institution_id'] for obj in resp.json()]: ret.append(cls.render('institutions', cls.get_obj_by_id('institutions', inst_id))) cls.obj_cache[key] = ret return ret
[docs] @classmethod def get_groups_from_instrument(cls, inst_id): """Get the list of groups from an instrument.""" key = text_type('grp_by_inst_{}').format(inst_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val url = '{base_url}/instrument_group?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'instrument_id': '{inst_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), inst_id=inst_id ) ) ret = [] for grp_id in [obj['group_id'] for obj in resp.json()]: ret.append(cls.render( 'groups', cls.get_obj_by_id('groups', grp_id))) cls.obj_cache[key] = ret return ret
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_institutions(cls, inst_id): """Get a list of transactions from an institution.""" key = text_type('trans_by_instit_{}').format(inst_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val url = '{base_url}/institution_person?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'institution_id': '{inst_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), inst_id=inst_id ) ) ret = [] for user_id in [obj['person_id'] for obj in resp.json()]: ret.extend(cls.get_transactions_from_users(user_id)) cls.obj_cache[key] = ret return ret
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_users(cls, user_id): """Get a list of transactions for a user.""" key = text_type('trans_by_user_{}').format(user_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val ret = set() for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: url = '{base_url}/{trans_rel}?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'submitter': '{user_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( trans_rel=trans_rel, base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), user_id=user_id ) ) ret.update(set(['transactions_{}'.format( obj['_id']) for obj in resp.json()])) cls.obj_cache[key] = list(ret) return cls.obj_cache[key]
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_proposals(cls, prop_id): """Get a list of transactions for a proposal.""" key = text_type('trans_by_prop_{}').format(prop_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val ret = set() for trans_rel in ['transsip', 'transsap']: url = '{base_url}/{trans_rel}?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'proposal': '{prop_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( trans_rel=trans_rel, base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), prop_id=prop_id ) ) ret.update(set(['transactions_{}'.format( obj['_id']) for obj in resp.json()])) cls.obj_cache[key] = list(ret) return cls.obj_cache[key]
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_instruments(cls, inst_id): """Get a list of transactions for a instrument.""" key = text_type('trans_by_inst_{}').format(inst_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val url = '{base_url}/transsip?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'instrument': '{inst_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), inst_id=inst_id ) ) cls.obj_cache[key] = ['transactions_{}'.format( obj['_id']) for obj in resp.json()] return cls.obj_cache[key]
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_groups(cls, group_id): """Get a list of instruments for a group.""" key = text_type('trans_by_group_{}').format(group_id) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: # pragma: no cover return val url = '{base_url}/instrument_group?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'group_id': '{group_id}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), group_id=group_id ) ) ret = [] for inst_id in [obj['instrument_id'] for obj in resp.json()]: ret.extend(cls.get_transactions_from_instruments(inst_id)) cls.obj_cache[key] = ret return ret
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def get_transactions_from_science_theme(cls, science_theme): """Get a list of transactions for a science theme.""" key = text_type('trans_by_sci_{}').format(science_theme) val = cls.obj_cache.get(key, None) if val is not None: return val url = '{base_url}/proposals?' + \ cls.merge_get_args({'science_theme': '{science_theme}'}) resp = requests.get( text_type(url).format( base_url=get_config().get('metadata', 'endpoint_url'), science_theme=science_theme ) ) ret = [] for prop_id in [obj['_id'] for obj in resp.json()]: ret.extend(cls.get_transactions_from_proposals(prop_id)) cls.obj_cache[key] = ret return ret
# pylint: enable=invalid-name
[docs] @classmethod def generate(cls, obj_cls, objs, trans_ids=False, render_release=False): """generate the institution object.""" for obj in objs: yield { '_op_type': 'update', '_index': ELASTIC_INDEX, '_type': obj_cls, '_id': text_type('{}_{}').format(obj_cls, obj['_id']), 'doc': cls.render(obj_cls, obj, trans_ids, render_release), 'doc_as_upsert': True } if obj_cls == 'proposals': yield { '_op_type': 'update', '_index': ELASTIC_INDEX, '_type': 'science_theme', '_id': text_type('science_theme_{}').format(obj['science_theme']), 'doc': cls.render_science_theme(obj, trans_ids), 'doc_as_upsert': True }
[docs] @classmethod def render_science_theme(cls, obj, trans_ids=False): """Render the science theme as an object...""" ret = { 'type': 'science_theme', 'obj_id': text_type('science_theme_{}').format(obj['science_theme']), 'display_name': obj['science_theme'] } if trans_ids: ret['transaction_ids'] = cls.get_transactions_from_science_theme( obj['science_theme'] ) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def render(cls, obj_cls, obj, trans_ids=False, render_release=False): """Render the instrument object hash.""" ret = { 'type': obj_cls } for key, value in cls.render_data[obj_cls].items(): if key == 'release' and not render_release: continue if callable(value): ret[key] = value(obj) else: if value.format(**obj) == 'None': ret[key] = None else: ret[key] = value.format(**obj) if trans_ids: trans_func = getattr( cls, 'get_transactions_from_{}'.format(obj_cls)) ret['transaction_ids'] = trans_func(obj['_id']) return ret