Status Python Module

CherryPy Uploader Policy object class.

Base class module for standard queries for the upload status tool.

class pacifica.policy.status.base.QueryBase[source]

This pulls the common bits of instrument and project query into a single class.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.instrument_query.InstrumentQuery[source]

CherryPy root object class.


Create local objects for sub tree items.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.project_query.ProjectQuery[source]

CherryPy root object class.


Create local objects for sub tree items.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

The CherryPy rest object for the structure.


CherryPy root object class.

not exposed by default the base objects are exposed.


Create local objects to allow for import to work.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.transaction_query.TransactionQuery[source]

CherryPy root object class.


Create local objects for sub tree items.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.user_query.UserQuery[source]

CherryPy root object class.


Create local objects for sub tree items.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

CherryPy Project Policy object classes.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.instrument.by_project_id.InstrumentsByProject[source]

Retrieves instrument list for a given project.

static GET(project_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

static _get_instruments_for_project(project_id)[source]

Return a list with all the instruments belonging to this project.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.


Retrieves a set of projects for a given keyword set.

GET(search_terms='', **kwargs)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

_clean_up_instrument_list(inst_response, user_id)[source]

Clear out entries that done belong to this user.

_get_instruments_for_keywords(user_id, search_terms='')[source]

Return a list with all the instruments having this term.

static _squash_output_list(inst_for_user_list, full_inst_list)[source]

Filter entries in the full instrument list.

CherryPy Project Policy object classes.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.project.by_user.ProjectUserSearch[source]

Retrieves project list for a given user.

static GET(user_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

static _get_projects_for_user(user_id=None)[source]

Return a list with all the projects involving this user.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.project.lookup.ProjectLookup[source]

Retrieves details of a given project.

static GET(project_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static _get_projects_details(project_id=None)[source]

Return a details about this project.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.


Retrieves a set of projects for a given keyword set.

GET(search_terms=None, **kwargs)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

_get_projects_for_keywords(user_id, search_terms=None)[source]

Return a list with all the projects involving this user.

CherryPy Uploader Policy object class.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.transaction.files.FileLookup[source]

Retrieves files for a given transaction_id.

static GET(transaction_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static _get_file_list(transaction_id=None)[source]

Return files for the specified transaction entry.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.transaction.lookup.TransactionLookup[source]

Retrieves details of a given project.

static GET(transaction_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static _get_transaction_details(transaction_id=None)[source]

Return details for the specified transaction entry.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.


Retrieves a set of transactions for a given keyword set.

static GET(option=None, **kwargs)[source]

CherryPy GET method.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static _get_transactions_for_keywords(kwargs, option=None)[source]

Return a list with all the projects involving this user.

CherryPy Uploader Policy object class.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.

class pacifica.policy.status.user.lookup.UserLookup[source]

Retrieves info for the specified user.

static GET(user_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

static _get_user_info(user_id)[source]

Return detailed info about a given user.

CherryPy Status Policy object class.


Retrieves a set of projects for a given keyword set.

GET(search_terms=None, option=None, **kwargs)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

static _get_users_for_keywords(kwargs, search_terms=None, option=None)[source]

Return a list with all the projects involving this user.