Reporting Python Module

CherryPy Uploader Policy object class.

CherryPy Uploader Policy object class.

CherryPy Status Metadata projectinfo base class.

class pacifica.policy.reporting.transaction.query_base.QueryBase[source]

Formats summary data for other classes down the tree.

static _get_user_lookups(url, header_list)[source]
static _merge_two_dicts(dict_a, dict_b)[source]

Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy.

base_user_info = {'emsl_employee': False, 'instrument_list': [], 'project_list': []}
static get_full_user_info(user_id)[source]

Return user information for the given user_id.

CherryPy Status Metadata object class.

class pacifica.policy.reporting.transaction.transaction_details.TransactionDetails[source]

Retrieves a list of all transactions matching the search criteria.

static POST(user_id=None)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

static _get_transaction_list_details(transaction_list, user_id)[source]
exposed = True

CherryPy Status Metadata object class.

class pacifica.policy.reporting.transaction.transaction_summary.TransactionSummary[source]

Retrieves a summary of all transactions matching the search criteria.

static POST(time_basis=None, object_type=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, **kwargs)[source]

CherryPy GET method.

static _cleanup_object_stats(object_listing, object_type, user_info)[source]
static _get_transaction_list_summary(time_basis, object_list, object_type, start_date, end_date, user_id)[source]
exposed = True

The CherryPy rest object for the structure.


CherryPy root object class.

not exposed by default the base objects are exposed.


Create local objects to allow for import to work.

exposed = False